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The KiwiBurger

McDonald's introduced the KiwiBurger in New Zealand back in 1991. Just check out what goes inside it: beef, tomato, lettuce, onions, beetroot, egg and of course kiwi… What? There's no actual kiwi fruit in this? Really? Huh. But it's called KiwiBurger, right? Oh man, I can't exactly explain why.

The McLobster

From: parts of Canada, New England

The McLobster is a lobster sandwich. Its primary ingredients are lobster and bread. The sandwich has actually been around for a couple of years and at one time there were even plans to introduce it to restaurants nationwide. But someone realized that it would impossible to convince Middle American landlocked states that their “lobster” isn't actually 2 weeks old.

McRice Burger

From: Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines etc.

Another example of McDonald's international menu is the Asian rice burger. No, it's not rice between two pieces of bread. That would be silly. It's rice formed into buns with beef or chicken between them, which makes a lot more sense. You know how people are always complaining that you can't eat rice with your hands.




那么今天就让我来给大家简单介绍下目前市面上常见的一些功能沙发。 功能沙发也就是多功能沙发,功能沙发不同于普通沙发只有主体支撑架和坐垫靠背之类的组成,而往往会具有更为复杂的结构。

在仅仅需要坐这一功能的时候功能沙发与普通沙发外形上区别并不大,但是通过功能沙发各种相应的结构变化就能将功能沙发从只有坐这一功能转变成相应的其他功能。 功能沙发也分为机械式和电动式两种,或是机械式、电动式兼具的。

机械式就是通过我们的手工操作来将功能沙发达成相应的功能状态,比如将靠垫向后放沙发就变成了一张床,或是将沙发下面的一面升起来就可以将脚架在上面,也有的可以将中间的靠垫向前放下后变成一个简易的小茶几。 一些机械功能沙发甚至可以像我们的功能椅一样装置有摇杆,可以控制旋转、上升下降、前后调节倾斜度等功能。

有的功能沙发具备强大的储物功能,将沙发坐垫升起来后就是一个庞大的储物空间。 电动式的功能沙发相对机械式功能沙发来说就高端很多,往往各种功能的超控都可以通过一个控制面板来进行控制,最常见的就是我们的按摩沙发了。


通常电动式功能沙发无论是外观还是材质上都显得很高档,往往是商务人士以及成功人士的最爱。 功能沙发其实就是我们普通沙发的升级版本,在普通沙发的基础上融合了各种各样的功能以适应大家对居家生活的享受。

在大居室中放置一款功能沙发不仅显得高档、大气,也能对我们平时在家的时候带来很大的享受。 在小居室中功能沙发也有它的优势,由于融合了各种功能,一款功能沙发便能解决许多不同的需求,从而达到节省空间的目的,甚至家中有了张功能沙发都可以不用放置床了。


When you come into our living room, you will see a shoe shelf. There is a sofa opposit it. Beside the sofa, there is a tea table.There are some cups, a teaport, and a vase with lots of beautiful flowers on the table. On the right corner, there is a green plant. There is a talbe beside the tea table and the plant. Of course there is TV on the table. Our living room is always clean and tidy so I like it very much.。



