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说实话没有捷径. 我们是家具制造商,不光只接触终端客户,还有一些家具公司 也许我太笨了,我一直都是用最笨的方法去寻找客户. 最初也很是艰难,不过凭着质量和服务留住了不少客户,现在很自如 客户也因为我们的质量和服务 介绍不少生意给我 如果你选定了这行就要坚持下去,凭着自己的勤奋 相信明天会更好 杭州富春家私有限公司0571-86322996
CVs Basic information: Name: Gender: Female Date of birth: origin: Dafeng in Jiangsu Political landscape: CPC member nation: Chinese health condition: good Education: Undergraduate School: College: professional title: Accounting Contact: Mail: ivy1987528@ Address: Professional skills: ▲ standard of English: English 4 through national examinations, and capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing. ▲ computer level: Jiangsu Province, two computer grade examination. Proficient in office automation, Proficiency in the Windows operating system, Excel, Powerpoint, Word and other applications. ▲ professional skills: has been made of their qualification certificates, can skillfully use the professional requirements of the UF financial software, Kingdee software, and other financial management information system. Supervision: Of their qualification certificates computer VFP two party school graduation certificate Driving licence certificate Putonghua B Award certificates: 1999 National Junior Golden Encyclopedia knowledge contest Jiangsu Province in 2001 Mathematics Olympiad (junior), second prize 2005 2006 Yangzhou University Hospital Miyoshi first-class scholarship student homes outstanding members Mission education advanced individual training of outstanding students of party schools Hospital social practice of advanced military training for advanced individual personal "Ten" outstanding essay prize 2006 - 2007 second-class scholarship Yangzhou University School of outstanding student leaders School social practice calligraphy and painting competitions advanced personal calligraphy group Third Honours Features fashion show second prize green garbage collection Excellence Award 2007 2008 "17 large" second-class award hospital photographic essay contest third place Previous positions: The third student freshmen class teacher assistant vice chairman of party workers School brass band sound of the Friends of the Arts Association characteristics Minister 08 summer homes social practice Jinsui, deputy head of unit members learn life members Professional training: 2007 summer school business simulation training for two weeks, completed a set of hand Accounts 2007 Summer in Dafeng City Senwei Group (industrial enterprises) internships, 7-8 in the completion of business between the time of admission to the account of the work. 2008 summer school business simulation training for 15 days, computers, the complete set of manual accounting procedures. Expertise: Intermediate financial accounting basis of accounting senior financial and accounting cost accounting management accounting accounting theory accounting English Intermediate Financial Management senior financial management audit of the tax laws and accounting non-profit organizations Computerized Accounting Asset Evaluation Marketing International Trade International Economic Law of financial electronic commerce in the West Bank monetary economics political economics Financial Practical Writing Can an individual: Be good at organization and management, the hospital has been participating in many organizations, class activities (college days, the hospital will be transported, the hospital fourth technological and cultural festival, etc.), has served as House debate contest, new talent contest judges. Music lovers will be playing accordion; school brass band drummer Personality characteristics: Optimistic, progressive, generous cheerful, warm and pragmatic; others sincere, good interpersonal relationships; serious and responsible work, with Chikunailao, the spirit of arduous struggle; distress calm calm, rational stable, strong ability to adapt, have a good organization and coordination capacity; expertise Solid, familiar with the knowledge of the accounting profession and have some practical experience and self-study and develop a strong ability. Job search intention: Accounting, cashiering, financial management and other related jobs. In the hope that under your guidance, the company create a better tomorrow!
1.清楚你们公司的产品2.在google输入关键词,如你公司是做饰品的,你可以写“fashion jewelry company”然后进行搜索,关键词,特别重要,你可以加上一些特殊的词来搜索,比如你想搜英国客户,你可以在关键词后面加上“.uk”以此类推~~3.搜出结果后,逐个打开,你会发现有一些事你的客户群的网站,有些事不相关的页面,不相关的页面就关闭,在客户网站上找到你要的email 等联系方式4.发开发信祝你早日开发成功
一、中国工商银行 中国工商银行,于1984年1月1日成立,是办理城镇工商信贷和储蓄业务的国家专业银行。
2006年1月27日,中国工商银行与高盛集团、安联集团、美国运通公司3家境外战略投资者签署战略投资与合作协议,获得投资37.82亿美元; 2006年6月19日,工商银行与全国社会保障基金理事会签署战略投资与合作协议,社保基金会将以购买工行新发行股份方式投资180.28亿元人民币。
中国工商银行的业务范围包括: 负债业务:人民币储蓄;外币储蓄;储蓄旅行支票;外汇借款;同业人民币、外汇拆入;发行金融债券等; 资产业务:短期、中期和长期人民币和外汇流动资金贷款、固定资产贷款;外汇转贷款;住房开发贷款;具有专门用途的贷款;消费性贷款(汽车消费贷款;个人大额耐用消费品贷款;个人住房贷款);委托贷款和特定贷款;票据贴现;国债、政策性金融债券认购业务;同业人民币、外汇拆出;项目贷款评估和信用等级评定等; 中间业务:人民币现金结算、转账结算;国际结算;代理业务(代收代付;代理企业债券、股票、国库券等有价证券发行、清算、兑付、托管;黄金现货买卖、交易清算、实物交割、租赁黄金、黄金项目融资;黄金清算交易;企业年金业务;代理发行金融债券;代理保险;代理保管有价证券、有价物品;出租保管箱;代理政策性金融业务或其它金融机构业务等);人民币及外汇银行卡业务;信息咨询业务(资信调查;资产评估;金融信息咨询;行业信息网服务;开立人民币存款证明);外汇中间业务(进口开证;进口代收;汇出汇款;来证通知;议付;托收;汇入汇款;结汇;售汇;旅行支票;代客外汇买卖;外汇票据的承兑和贴现;外汇担保;外汇存款证明;代理发行股票以外的外币有价证券;代理买卖股票以外的外币有价证券;外币兑换;为利用国际金融组织贷款的项目开立周转金账户);融资类和履约类担保业务;商人银行业务(融资顾问和银团贷款安排;企业财务顾问;企业海外上市);个人理财服务;投资基金管理、托管和销售;其他受托和委托资产管理;企业资信评级及其它中间业务等。
二、中国农业银行 中国农业银行是四大国有独资商业银行之一,是中国金融体系的重要组成部分,总行设在北京。
到2004年末,中国农业银行各项资产总额 40137.69亿元,各项贷款余额25900.72亿元,各项存款余额34915.49亿元,全年实现经营利润319.74亿元。
三、中国银行 中国银行,全称中国银行股份有限公司,是中国四大国有商业银行之一。
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